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Heavy Weightlifter




Weightlifting diagnostics is the perfect tool for weightlifters looking to improve their skeletal mechanics, enhance lifting techniques, address weaknesses, minimize pain, break through plateaus, and learn new cues to perform standard movements better.


In this package, you get four 60 min sessions, each focusing on a specific lift:

  • Deadlift

  • Barbell back squat

  • Barbell bench press

  • Pull-ups / shoulder press / review / lifters choice.

These sessions are designed to help you achieve complete improvement, with each lift covered in detail.


During each session, you receive live feedback and cues to help improve your movement. We'll observe and discuss any apparent weaknesses, and suggest ways to improve them. The focus is always on achieving your goals, and we'll provide a workout debrief with suggestions and improvements to help you get there.


Our process is straightforward, yet effective:

  • Observe

  • Relay

  • Adjust

  • Lift

  • Repeat.

With each session, you'll receive a text explanation of the content covered, which may include diagnostic videos, highlights of our findings, corrections to movement, supportive exercises to strengthen movement corrections, and any other information that we believe is critical to your improvement.

Weightlifting diangnostics
weightlifting diagnostics
Chad Johnson Fitness Bodhi Workout 23.JPG

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